As we’re slowly approaching the 30th anniversary of his untimely death, I want to share one of my all-time favorite Kurt Cobain quotes and why it’s so personal to me:

I’ve never been one of the cool kids. And honestly, I was never one of the ‘down’ Black kids. But I was always comfortable with being myself no matter what anyone thought about me. I still am. I’m a nerd. I’m kitschy. I like hood movies just as much as I love classic dramas. I can listen to Tupac and Nas with the same enjoyment I would get out of a *NSYNC record.
I can be just as passionate about poutine and the perfect cheese fries like I would at a BLM rally. My interests make up who I am, but I’m not solely defined by one. And honestly, neither should you. Embrace the greatness about you. Work on the yuckiness about you.
But moreover, be you. If someone doesn’t like it, fuck them. They’re not you.